
LiteSpeed Server returning 404 for Posts, Pages, & Categories. Home is working!


I’m using OpenLitespeed Wordpress on Digital Ocean droplet. I was able to access my blog but now I’m getting 404 for all post and pages except the Homepage.

When I set permalink to plain, everything seems to be working. But when I choose to put post-name as permalink, I’m getting 404 error.

When I check wordpress health, it is showing that ‘the rest api encountered an unexpected result litespeed server’.

And also, when I access this path with my site, I get a 404.

Kindly let me know the solution for this issue. TIA.

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Site Moderator
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May 18, 2023

Hey @triber9999,

I think the issues you’re experiencing are related to how OpenLiteSpeed (OLS) manages rewrite rules.

WordPress pretty permalinks require these rules to function correctly. When permalinks are set to “plain,” they do not rely on rewrite rules, hence they work fine. When you switch to “post name,” they do require these rules, which appear to be not functioning correctly.

Enable rewrite rules in OpenLiteSpeed: Go to the OpenLiteSpeed WebAdmin console, navigate to Virtual Hosts > Rewrite > Rewrite Control, and ensure that Rewrite is set to Enable.

Manually refresh the rewrite rules: In your WordPress admin area, navigate to Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes without modifying anything. This will force WordPress to flush its rewrite rules and regenerate them.


Please try to restart web server with the following command after changing the permalink, and let us know if it fixes the issue for you.

systemctl restart lsws

The restart won’t cause any downtime to the site by the way.

Best, Eric

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