
LOAD DATA local_infile=1

Hello Support Im trying to import a lot of rows into my database MySQL using DigitalOceam Databases, but i cant connect it using LOAD DATA, and I need to import a file CSV in a performant way. I dont have idea if it is possible do this using this database because seems no there a way to upload the file and then run an LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE query insert… I cant set global local_infile=1, it is posible? Could do you help me? Thank you

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
February 21, 2024


The available configuration options that you can change for the Managed MySQL database clusters are available here:

Unfortunately local_infile is not configurable. You can try reaching out to the DigitalOcean support team who might be able to enable this for you:

However, as in a managed database service, direct access to the database server’s filesystem is restricted for security and operational reasons. This means traditional methods of directly placing a file on the server and loading it into the database might not be directly applicable.

You can try using a tool like MySQL Workbench or a similar tool. As some of the database management tools offer features to import data from CSV files into your database without directly using the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE command.

An alternative option would be to write a small script in a language like Python, PHP, or Node.js to read the CSV file and insert rows into the database using individual INSERT statements or batch insertions. While not as fast as LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE, that way you will have more control and can be adapted to match the managed database requirements.

Hope that helps!

- Bobby.

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