
My App component can't connect to MySQL DB Cluster, but the same app connects from local.


I am not a very technical person, just created this API and a frontEnd to learn a bit more on the topic and I may be missing something very basic, sorry in advance if that’s the case.

I have a PHP API that works great in local (it connects to my MySQL cluster in DigitalOcean from Local, tested in Postman and in MySQL WorkBench) but when I deploy it throws an error on DO server:

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection timed out

SAME connection string.

I’m figure out a permissions error happens, but I added my App Component to the Trusted Sources, as my local IP and I am not sure if I should add something else. I downloaded the CA Certificate and added it to the same path as the connection php file:

class Connection {
  _//-----> DB Info_
  _static_ _public_ function infoDatabase() {
    $infoDB **=** array(
      "host" **=>** $_ENV['DB_HOST'],
      "database" **=>** $_ENV['DB_NAME'],
      "user" **=>** $_ENV['DB_USER'],
      "pass" **=>** $_ENV['DB_PASS']

    **return** $infoDB;

  _//-----> DB Connect_
  _static_ _public_ function connect() {
    **try** {

      $options **=** array();
      **if** ($_ENV['APP_ENV'] **!=** 'local') {
        $options **=** array(
          _PDO_**::**MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT **=>** true,
          _PDO_**::**MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA **=>** "./ca-certificate.crt"
      $link **=** **new** _PDO_(

      $link**->**exec("set names utf8");

    }**catch**(PDOException $e) {
      $response **=** array(
        "error" **=>** $e**->**getMessage(),
        "environment" **=>** $_ENV['APP_ENV'],
         "host" **=>** $_ENV['DB_HOST'],
      "database" **=>** $_ENV['DB_NAME'],
      "user" **=>** $_ENV['DB_USER'],
      "pass" **=>** $_ENV['DB_PASS'],
        "isNonLocalEnvironment" **=>** $_ENV['APP_ENV'] **!=** 'local'
      echo json_encode($response);

    **return** $link;

Those Env Variables have the correct values (The same than in the Env Variables section of my App), and here is what $response returns:

	"error": "SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection timed out",
	"environment": "dev",
	"host": "",
	"database": "beapilot",
	"user": "thecorrectuser",
	"pass": "thecorrectpass",
	"isNonLocalEnvironment": true

I am not sure what else to check or fix. =(

Thanks in advance for your help!


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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
July 19, 2023

Hi there,

The Connection timed out error would usually be caused by either your app not being added to the Trusted Sources of the managed database cluster or if you are using an incorrect port.

Can you verify that you are using port 25060 in your connection string?

And also, I would recommend again double checking that the specific app is added to the trusted sources of your database.

Another thing to keep in mind is that during the build stage there will be no network connectivity to the managed database clusters. So if you are trying to run any database migrations during the build stage, it is best to move them to the run stage instead.

Let me know how it goes!



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