The Apps spec only permits registry types of DOCR
It would be useful to permit additional registries including GitHub Container Registry (GHCR) and Google Container Registry.
I assume this limitation is partly due to [DO] cost but, without it, the developer incurs the costs in managing duplicate images across registries.
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Hello @dazwilkin
There are plans of supporting additional registries in the future. We will be sharing all the feature releases and updates in our release notes:
App Platform Release Notes
Moreover, I encourage you to share your thoughts about this on our ideas page:
We’re constantly looking to improve all aspects of our service and welcome any other ideas or feedback you have! By sharing your thoughts there, it helps us to better prioritize working on the features that you feel need more attention.
Cheers, Dikshith
Running into this same limitation. I would like to be able to run containers that exist in
as an App. Am I expected to deploy and self-maintain Docker images that do not exist within DockerHub and DOCR?Hi there,
Quick update here in case anyone comes across this in the future.
DigitalOcean has now introduced support for the GitHub Container Registry for both public and private images.
You can refer to the official documentation here:
Hope that this helps!
- Bobby