
Policy changes for domain limit

I have using the using the DO networking tool extensively last couple of year. Especially the domain feature to manage DNS zones. I have a couple hundred of domains added. However as of today when every I want to add a domain I get to following error “Domain creation limit exceeded. You cannot have more than 30 domains for Tier limit.”

The worst thing is that I cannot re-add a domain. As soon as a domain gets deleted the limit prohibits te re-creation.

Anyone else has encountered the same issue?

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Hello @kasparvd, This is happening to us too, how did you solve it?

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
March 27, 2024

Hey @kasparvd,

In our public community, we aim to answer open questions about anything SysAdmin, DigitalOcean and beyond. However, we make every attempt to keep personal information safe and so don’t ever access personal account information here. This means we can’t provide help with any account or billing-related issues.

Please reach out to our amazing support team who will be more than happy to assist you with your account issue!

Hope that helps!

Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
March 27, 2024

Hey @kasparvd,

This is quite interesting. What I could suggest here is to reach out to the DigitalOcean support team who will be able to advise you further on this:

Hope that helps!

- Bobby.

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