
PostgreSQL9.6.10 the output of vacuumdb is right?


input command: vacuumdb -z XXX Outputs: VACUUM →Everything went well.


input command: vacuumdb -z XXX Outputs: nothing → Everything went well.


input command:vacuumdb -z

outputs: vacuumdb: vacuuming database “XXXX” → the reslut of vacuumdb command is ok?

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
January 10, 2024


Yes, the output you’re seeing from the vacuumdb command in PostgreSQL 9.6.10 is normal and indicates that the operation was successful.

To break it down for you:

  • PostgreSQL 7.0 & 8.3.7: When you executed vacuumdb -z XXX on these versions, it seems the command executed successfully without providing detailed output. This behavior is not unusual, as different PostgreSQL versions can have variations in their verbosity and the way they report the status of operations.

  • PostgreSQL 9.6.10: In this version, when you executed vacuumdb -z, it provided a more descriptive output: vacuumdb: vacuuming database “XXXX”. This message is PostgreSQL’s way of informing you that it is performing a vacuum operation on the specified database. The absence of any error messages or warnings in the output is typically a good sign that the command executed successfully.

The vacuumdb command in PostgreSQL is used for garbage collection and database maintenance. The -z option specifically updates the statistics used by the planner to determine the most efficient way to execute a query. The fact that you’re getting a confirmatory message in the later version (9.6.10) is a positive indication of the command running as expected.

Each new version of PostgreSQL often brings improvements, including more informative and user-friendly command-line output. It’s always good practice to check the PostgreSQL documentation for your specific version if you’re ever unsure about command outputs or behaviors.



Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
February 25, 2023

Hey @8c8e3786132d43ad90443923e0,

Yes, that should be alright :). Can you give a little bit more context to the matter so that we can give a more precise answer?

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