
Problem! After ubuntu server upgrade I can't connect droplet using droplet web console

Hello, Last night, when I connected to the droplet with the droplet console, I saw that there was an update. After giving the “do release upgrade” command, the system restarted. And I can’t connect to droplet anymore.

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Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
May 21, 2023


I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble connecting to your droplet after performing a release upgrade. Here are a few steps you can try to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Reboot your droplet: Restart your droplet via the DigitalOcean control panel, as this can sometimes resolve connection issues.
  2. Check the droplet console: Access the droplet console in the DigitalOcean control panel to see if there are any errors or issues preventing the droplet from starting correctly.
  3. Recover mode: If you still cannot connect, you can try booting your droplet into recovery mode via the DigitalOcean control panel. This will allow you to troubleshoot your droplet’s filesystem and any issues related to the upgrade. Instructions on how to boot into recovery mode can be found here.

If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact DigitalOcean Support.

Hope that this helps!

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
May 15, 2023

Hey @e4267993e1664a3686ec6b191743a8,

Can you ping your Droplet? Additionally, have you tied rebooting it?

You’ll need to use the Recovery Console to SSH and see if your network is up as well.

The Recovery Console provides out-of-band access and is available regardless of your network settings. It emulates the access you would have if you were sitting down with a keyboard and monitor attached to the actual server. You can use this feature to log in and revert bad settings to regain normal access.

You can follow this documentation on how to enter your into your Droplet:

Basically, you’ll reset your root password and use it via the root user on the Recovery console to connect to it. Once inside you can see what’s causing the exact issue and what happened with the upgrade.

Hope this helps!

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