
Quand je lance l"nvironnement de bureau Kali Linux avec VNC Viewer et Termux cela m'affiche un page vierge (??).

J’ai installé Kali linux avec termux et effectué toutes les commandes nécessaires pour créer l’environnement de bureau comme indiqué sur le site. Mais quand je lance l’environnement de bureau avec VNC Viewer cela m’affiche une page vierge. Comment faire ?

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June 17, 2023

Heya @df7036805b324c97867a9f7862c6eb,

Can you link the article you’ve used for the desktop environment?

Assuming you’ve correctly installed and configured Kali Linux on Termux, and correctly installed and set up a VNC Server such as TigerVNC, there could be a few things causing the blank screen. Here are some possible solutions:

  1. Incorrect VNC Server Configuration:

    Make sure the VNC Server is correctly set up to display the correct desktop environment (DE). If you’re using Xfce, your ~/.vnc/xstartup file should look something like this:

xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
startxfce4 &
  1. VNC Server/Client Resolution Issues:

    If the resolution configured in your VNC Server doesn’t match that of your VNC Client, it could result in a blank screen. Try adjusting the resolution settings in both the Server and Client to make sure they match.

  2. Insufficient Permissions:

    Make sure that all the necessary files and folders have the correct permissions. Running chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup may solve the issue.

  3. Firewall or Security Settings:

    If you’re trying to connect to the VNC Server from another device, there could be firewall or other network security settings preventing the connection. Try disabling any firewalls temporarily to see if this solves the issue.

  4. Incorrect Desktop Environment Installation:

    If none of the above solutions work, there might be an issue with your desktop environment installation. Try reinstalling it or try a different DE.

Additionally, if you can provide the steps you’ve used we might be able to better help and understand the situation.

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