
Queries Take Forever, but Only for Some IP Addresses.

I’m looking at the insights tab and queries from my IP address are fine but queries from my client’s IP address which is closer to the server in fact take about 1000 times longer. They say they’re waiting MINUTES for pages to load :/ I’ve even scaled up our service 2-fold.

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
September 6, 2023

Hi there,

This sounds like it might be a network latency issue. I could suggest using a tool like traceroute from your client’s IP address to your server IP. This will give you a sense of the number of hops and if there’s any particular point causing a significant delay.

Also some ISPs throttle certain types of traffic or connections to certain IP addresses. Your client can try using a different network, like a mobile data connection, to see if the issue persists. This will help in narrowing down if the problem is with the ISP or the server configuration.

On another note, are you using a service like Cloudflare which might have DDoS protection enabled or a firewall? If so you could check the firewall settings and any DDoS protection settings in place. Ensure that your client’s IP isn’t mistakenly blocked or rate-limited.

Besides the database logs, are there any server logs that you could check? For example if you have a service like fail2ban or other security tools, they might be detecting your client’s IP as suspicious causing the issue.

Also, during the time that your clients use your app, I would recommend checking the server resources like CPU, RAM, disk I/O, and network I/O during these slow periods to see if there’s any noticeable constraint.

Let me know how it goes!



Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
September 14, 2023

Here are some steps you can take to diagnose and potentially resolve the issue:

  • Check Network Configuration:

Verify that there are no network issues affecting the client’s connection, such as packet loss, high latency, or network congestion. You can use tools like ping or traceroute to assess network health.

  • Server Logs and Monitoring:

Review your server logs and performance monitoring tools to identify any unusual spikes in resource usage or errors occurring when requests are made from your client’s IP address.

  • Firewall and Security Settings:

Ensure that your server’s firewall or security settings are not inadvertently blocking traffic from your client’s IP address. Check both at the server level and any intermediate network devices.

  • ISP Issues:

Investigate whether your client’s ISP (Internet Service Provider) might be contributing to the issue. Sometimes, certain ISPs can have routing problems or bottlenecks.

  • Load Balancing and Scaling:

You mentioned scaling up your service, which is a good step. Ensure that your load balancing configuration is distributing traffic effectively and that all servers are properly configured.

  • Database Performance:

If your service relies on a database, check its performance. Slow database queries can significantly impact page load times. Optimize your database queries and consider using caching where appropriate.

  • Content Delivery Network (CDN):

Consider using a CDN to distribute content and reduce latency. CDNs can cache static assets and serve them from servers closer to the client’s location.

  • Content Optimization:

Optimize your web content (e.g., images, scripts) for faster loading times. Minimize the use of large files and enable browser caching.

  • Content Compression:

Use compression techniques like GZIP or Brotli to reduce the size of data sent over the network, which can help improve loading times.

  • Content Delivery Strategy:

Ensure that your website or application is designed to load essential content first and progressively load additional resources. This can provide a better user experience even if some assets take longer to load.

  • Testing and Benchmarking:

Conduct performance testing from various locations to compare response times. This can help pinpoint whether the issue is specific to your client’s IP address or more widespread.

  • Content Distribution:

Consider distributing your service across multiple geographic regions if your audience is global. This can reduce latency for users in different locations.

  • Content Caching:

Implement server-side and client-side caching strategies to reduce the need to generate content on every request.

  • Content Delivery and Content-Type Optimization:

Ensure that the content delivery and the content type being used for requests from the client’s IP address are properly configured and optimized.

It’s essential to methodically investigate each of these areas to identify the root cause of the latency issue.

Hope that this helps!

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