Question triangle with median lines

I am trying to create a random triangle in python turtle with a for loop. I figured it out how to complete the task without a for loop, but I was instructed to use a for loop. I am going to add my code that isn’t working. I need explanations and examples if that is possible. I what to understand . range is (-r,r) and the starts at the origin. Thank you:

import turtle 
import random turtle.penup() turtle.color('red') 
def median(r): 
    L = [] for i in range (3): 
        return L 

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Site Moderator
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June 22, 2023


Just an update on an the question,

It seems like you’re trying to create a function median() that generates three random points within a range (-r, r) and have the turtle draw lines between these points, thereby creating a random triangle.

Your current approach has several issues. Here is a step-by-step fix for your function, along with explanations:

  1. Your import statements are incorrect. They should be separate and you need to import randint from the random module. Also, turtle needs to be imported as a standalone module, not as a function.
import turtle
import random
  1. You are trying to use the randint() function, which generates a random integer, directly inside L.append(). However, you are missing random. before randint(). Moreover, you are trying to append two elements at once, which is not possible with .append(). To append two values as a pair (representing coordinates), you should use a tuple.

Instead of:



L.append((random.randint(-r,r), random.randint(-r,r)))
  1. forward() is a turtle method and you are trying to use it without reference to the turtle object. It’s unclear what you’re trying to achieve with this function call in this context. Maybe you are trying to move the turtle forward by a distance of r. If that’s the case, it should be turtle.forward(r).

  2. Your function median() is defined to return L, which is a list of three random points. However, it’s unclear what you’re doing with this return value. If you want to draw a triangle using these points, you should include the drawing commands inside your function or in another part of your code.

Here’s a corrected and completed version of your code that creates a random triangle using a for loop:

import turtle
import random


def create_random_triangle(r):
    points = []
    for i in range(3):
        points.append((random.randint(-r, r), random.randint(-r, r)))

    # Now let's draw the triangle
    for point in points:
    # Closing the triangle by going back to the first point

# Let's create a triangle with range (-100,100)


This script generates three random points within a range (-r, r), moves the turtle to these points in order, and draws lines between them, creating a random triangle.

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