
Reselling Services (Spaces, in particular)?

I’m working on an app to help people share content (think images and videos they put in blog posts). Right now the app lets them configure an S3-compatible bucket to upload assets to.

But a lot of people don’t have their own S3 buckets. Is it possible for me to resell DO Spaces through my app, walking them through setup of their own bucket, creation and download of access keys, etc, redirecting them to the DO website just to collect their payment information?

I’m trying to avoid having my own server infrastructure for this app; it’s too much for this solo indie developer to manage.

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
March 2, 2024


It’s great to hear that you’re considering integrating DigitalOcean Spaces into your app as a reselling option for your users.

One straightforward option here would be to instead of reselling directly, you can guide users to create their own DigitalOcean account. This approach ensures that users maintain control over their billing and the legal aspects of the service usage.

You can also refer the users to your referral link, when you refer someone to DigitalOcean using your unique referral link, they’ll receive a $200, 60-day credit as soon as they add a valid payment method to their account. And when a referred customer spends $25, you’ll also receive a $25 credit with DigitalOcean:

You can develop a feature within your app that uses DigitalOcean’s API to help users set up and manage their Spaces. Users will need to provide their API token to your app, which should be handled securely.

Your app can provide a guided setup process that directs users to the DigitalOcean control panel to create a Space and generate access keys. You can simplify this process with step-by-step instructions or even video tutorials.

Once the user has their Space set up and their keys generated, they can input these details into your app. Your app can then use these credentials to interact with Spaces on behalf of the user.

Also this way, you can ensure that users are directly billed by DigitalOcean. And you avoid handling user payments for Spaces usage and simplify your app’s billing management.

By guiding users to set up their own DigitalOcean Spaces while providing the tools and integrations within your app, you can offer a value-added service without the complexities of reselling or managing user billing directly.

Let me know if this works for you!



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