I’m trying to run a basic script that verifies an email address. It uses an SMTP handshake like so:
server = smtplib.SMTP(timeout=10)
server.connect(mx, port=25)
code, message = server.rcpt(email)
I know that Digital Ocean blocks on port 25 to prevent spam, but it would be great to be unblocked so I can do email verification. I do all email sending through Amazon SES so I only need port 25 unblocked for email verification.
I open a support ticket (#09070834) two days ago but haven’t heard back so figured I’d ask here. Thanks in advance
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Hey @kitzj,
In our public community, we aim to answer open questions about anything SysAdmin, DigitalOcean and beyond. However, we make every attempt to keep personal information safe and so don’t ever access personal account information here. This means we can’t provide help with any account or billing-related issues.
I have asked our amazing support team to check-in on your ticket. They will be able to help you further where we cannot! :)
Hope that helps! - KFSys.