I am getting back into web development and cannot connect to ANY newly created droplet using a SSH key.
Steps I Took:
This happens on ANY and ALL droplets I create AND with any SSH Key I generate.
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Heya @lwgshane,
Can you share your logs?
Additionally, what you can do is try and use the WebConsole to connect via SSH to your Droplet:
Once inside, go to
check if the public key is properly added, is it the same as the one you added or do you see any other problems?Additionally, can you share the logs when trying to connect as well?
Happy to hear that you’ve got this all sorted out by upgrading to the latest version of Putty! And thank you for sharing that information here with the community.
For anyone who might come across this in the future as well, here is a step by step guide on how to connect to your Droplets using Putty:
Heya, @lwgshane
I’m glad that you’ve sorted the issue. I would like to share this article on how to use Visual Studio Code for remote development. I believe it may come in handy when it comes to web dev and code deployment.
Hope that this helps!