I bought some block storage for my server and went through the process of unmounting it, setting its new mount point “/home/x/x/x/wp-content/uploads”, and adding the entry in my /etc/fstab to mount in the correct location at reboot.
Unfortunately after a reboot, it defaults back to the default mountpoint /mnt/volume_sfo2_01.
How do I get my block storage to mount to the correct location persistently?
I sent a ticket but maybe I can get help from the community prior to a response. Appreciate any advice
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Hi there,
Indeed, adding the entry to the fstab file is the way to go. As the block storage is still getting mounted but on the wrong directory, it sounds like that there might be a typo in the fstab file.
Would you mind sharing your fstab file here so I could take a quick look and advise you further?
- Bobby
Heya, @e0c0d8bcdf92414eb019e9ce24fdff
You can examine your
file for any typos or misconfiguration that may cause the issue here.Ultimately, the line you add to
should look like this, with your volume’s identifier and mount point:Regards