
Ubuntu 22.04 mount point different to fstab after reboot

This is my fstab

LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs   /    ext4   discard,errors=remount-ro   0 1
LABEL=UEFI  /boot/efi   vfat    umask=0077  0 1
/dev/sda    /home/newfolder ext4    defaults    0   0

after a reboot /home/newfolder is replaced by

/dev/sda         50G   16K   47G   1% /mnt/volume_lon1_01

until I umount /dev/sda then df -h shows this

/dev/sda         50G   16K   47G   1% /home/newfolder

How do I get /dev/sda to mount on /home/newfolder on reboot?

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Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
June 28, 2023


The issue you’re facing seems to be that another process or service is mounting your /dev/sda partition to /mnt/volume_lon1_01 at startup before it can be mounted to /home/newfolder as specified in your /etc/fstab.

A few things you could try to solve this:

  1. Check for Cloud-Init or Other Mounting Services: If you’re on a cloud-based server, there might be a configuration in place (such as cloud-init) that mounts volumes at startup. You would need to change this configuration so that /dev/sda is mounted to /home/newfolder instead of /mnt/volume_lon1_01. If you’re using a service like DigitalOcean, you can configure this through the volumes settings.

  2. Use UUID Instead of Device Name: The device name /dev/sda can change based on the order the system detects your drives. Using the UUID of the drive is a more robust method. You can find the UUID by running the command blkid /dev/sda. Replace /dev/sda with UUID=your-uuid in /etc/fstab.

  3. Ensure Correct Syntax in /etc/fstab: Make sure the syntax in your /etc/fstab file is correct. Here’s an example of how your line could look

UUID=your-uuid /home/newfolder ext4 defaults 0 2
  1. Reorder Mounting Points: If /home/newfolder is a subdirectory of another mount point, ensure that it is mounted after that mount point. The order of entries in the /etc/fstab file matters.
Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
June 27, 2023

Hi there,

Does this happen after every restart? Your /etc/fstab file appears to be set up correctly, but it seems like something else is mounting /dev/sda to /mnt/volume_lon1_01 before the fstab entries are processed.

Do you by any chance have any other services or configurations that are auto-mounting the drive, like systemd, udev, or automount?

Also, does the /home/newfolder exists before the system tries to mount /dev/sda? If the directory doesn’t exist when the system is trying to mount, it will fail.

What I usually do is to run sudo mount -a manually to check if my fstab file has any syntax errors before actually rebooting the server.

Let me know how it goes!



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