I already creat droplets use ssh key, but now can’t be remote that droplet need to update new metrics, how I can update new metrics ?, I can’t access the terminal
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What you could do is to follow the steps here on how to install the DigitalOcean monitoring agent:
If the UI method does not work, I would recommend following the ‘Installing the Metrics Agent Manually’ section:
Let me know how it goes!
Heya @0b631034d31d4796a4e2cc94743098,
Apart from what has been said, if you can’t enter your Droplet, you can use the Recovery Console
The Recovery Console provides out-of-band access and is available regardless of your network settings. It emulates the access you would have if you were sitting down with a keyboard and monitor attached to the actual server. You can use this feature to log in and revert bad settings to regain normal access.