I previously created an IP in Google, set up DNS on cloudflare, and configured SSL. Now I changed the server to Digital Ocean and created Droplets and Spaces Object Storage Also changed the A record of cloudflare to point to the new IP However, the index pages in the storage were judged by Google to be unsafe link.
What went wrong? Which DNS item do you want to modify?
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Have you installed the SSL Certificate on the droplet as well? You need to ensure that the SSL certificate configured on Cloudflare matches the SSL certificate configured on your Digital Ocean Droplets and Spaces Object Storage.
You can also double-check that the A record in your Cloudflare DNS settings is correctly pointing to the new IP address of your Digital Ocean Droplets. Additionally, ensure that any other relevant DNS records (such as CNAME records for subdomains) are properly configured.
Hope that this helps!
Heya @ec8fa426417848658d8206e779f25e,
It sounds to me like you need to install an SSL certificate on your Droplet.