
Why isn't my "Content-Encoding" header set?

I’m serving my next.js assets through spaces but the Response Headers don’t have a Content-Encoding header. I’ve confirmed the headers are set in the spaces file metadata. I tried precompressing and uploading my files to spaces but still no header.

Does DO spaces/CDN not support Content-Encoding?

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
November 13, 2023

Hi there,

As far as I can see, according to DigitalOcean’s documentation, the Spaces CDN endpoints may dynamically uncompress content if the original object has Content-Encoding: gzip and the client does not send an Accept-Encoding: gzip header.

If the CDN does decompress the content dynamically, it will remove the Content-Encoding: gzip header from the response​.

You can find more information about this here:

Basically, if you’ve set the Content-Encoding header in your file metadata and it’s not appearing as expected, the CDN may not be altering or adding headers dynamically, which could be why you’re not seeing it in the response.

I believe that as of the time being, there is no way to force this.



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