
yaml: unmarshal errors: App Platform - Larval

I am trying to deploy Laravel app in DG App Platform

I get this build error, i think it is caused by a 3’d party plugin

----> checking for additional extentions to install <----
yaml: unmarshal errors:
line 1: cannot unmarshal !!str 'web th....' into map[string]string

ERROR failed to build : exit status 3

There is not much information on this issue when searching google does anyone know how to add something to my build cmd line to mitigate this issue please?

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As it is my app is a Larval and was using Scribe to document APi so there were many unformatted .yaml files in the build

A tip for anyone who has this issue in Windows use the explorer to do a ext:yaml to find all .yaml files in your app

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
June 14, 2023

Hey @phillmantaray,

such issues come when your Yaml file is not properly formated or there is a whitespace somewhere where it shouldn’t.

If you do need help with figuring that out, can you post your yaml file here?

Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
June 13, 2023

Hi there,

The error you’re encountering seems to be related to the format of your App Platform deployment YAML file. Is it possible for you to share the file here so I could take a quick look?

Also, here is an example deploy template YAML file for a Laravel app that you could use:

One thing to keep in mind is that YAML is very sensitive to spaces and indentation. In YAML files, indentation is used to denote the structure, which means that each level of indentation indicates a new ‘level’ in the structure.



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