Tutorial Series

Automating Your PHP Application Deployment Process with Ansible

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By Stephen Rees-Carter
Developer and author at DigitalOcean.
Automating Your PHP Application Deployment Process with Ansible


This series will show you how to set up an Ansible playbook that will automate your entire PHP application deployment process on Ubuntu 14.04.

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This tutorial covers the process of provisioning a basic PHP application using Ansible. The goal at the end of this tutorial is to have your new web server serving a basic PHP application without a single SSH connection or manual command run on the target Droplet.


In this tutorial, we will cover setting up SSH keys to support code deployment/publishing tools, configuring the system firewall, provisioning and configuring the database (including the password), and setting up task schedulers (crons) and queue daemons. The goal at the end of this tutorial is for you to have a fully working PHP application server with the aforementioned advanced configuration.


This tutorial is the third in a series about deploying PHP applications using Ansible on Ubuntu 14.04. In this tutorial, we will build on what we learned in the previous tutorials by transforming our single-application Ansible playbook into a playbook that supports deploying multiple PHP applications on one or multiple servers.

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