Transparency Report

Last Updated on May 29, 2024

DigitalOcean takes seriously the trust our users place in us. Our customers expect us to safeguard their data as if it were our own, and they expect us to communicate openly if we might be compelled to share their data with a third party.

On this page you’ll find DigitalOcean’s published transparency reports, detailing the number, type and status of government information requests we receive. Moving forward, we’ll be publishing these reports twice a year.

For more information about how we handle these sorts of requests, please take a look at our initial blog post, Law Enforcement Guide, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service.

DigitalOcean Transparency Report Definitions

Content vs Non-Content Data

Non-Content Data: Non-content data such as basic subscriber information, including the information captured at the time of registration such as an alternate email address, name, IP address, login details, billing information, and other transactional information. In the US, this category includes any legal process which does not have ex ante judicial review, including but not limited to grand jury subpoenas, government attorney-issued subpoenas, and case agent issued subpoenas.

Content Data: Data that our users generate, including copies of Droplets, files on backup, or words in emails to customer support.

Types of Information Requests Received by DigitalOcean

PRTT: Pen Register and Trap and Trace (PRTT) gather non-content information from packet headers such as connection logs or IP addresses and times.

Imminent Harm: As permitted by US law, we may disclose user information to the government or law enforcement, without a subpoena or warrant if we have a good faith belief that an emergency (danger of death or serious physical injury) requires disclosure of information related to the emergency without delay.

Preservation: A request to copy and securely store subscriber and/or content data in anticipation of future legal process. Preservation requests are not demands for the production of user information, and we do not provide user information in response to preservation requests.

National Security Requests: National security requests include National Security Letters (“NSLs”) and court orders. Our responses to these requests depend on the nature of the request. DigitalOcean is prohibited by law from reporting the exact number of NSLs orders it receives. Therefore we report the numbers of such requests only within certain ranges set by the government.

Report history