We know LAMP hosting—so you can focus on building your thing

DigitalOcean's LAMP hosting services provide businesses and developers with the freedom to scale and the convenience of simplified control, helping to ensure your apps run like they’re supposed to.

Host your LAMP stack on DigitalOcean

A “LAMP” stack is a group of open-source software that is typically installed together in order to enable a server to host dynamic websites and web apps written in PHP. This term is an acronym which represents the Linux operating system, with the Apache web server. The site data is stored in a MySQL database, and dynamic content is processed by PHP. Together, the LAMP stack is a quick, effective way to spin up a fully-functioning web server.

DigitalOcean offers simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and developer-friendly hosting solutions that developers working with LAMP love. With our versatile virtual private servers called Droplets, you can tailor your server environment to meet the specific needs of your static and dynamic websites—and even scale your web applications as the situation demands.

In addition to Droplets, we offer managed MySQL database services, domain management, load balancers, and a user-friendly control panel for seamless—and painless—web server management. Plus, our comprehensive documentation and tutorials simplify the deployment and management of your LAMP stack, making the whole process from development to hosting easy and efficient.

Spin up a LAMP web server in seconds

Spinning up a Linux-based web server with Apache, MySQL, and PHP already installed takes a matter of moments on DigitalOcean. With the support of tutorials from the DigitalOcean Community, you can get started quickly to create dynamic web pages and deliver web applications powered by PHP code all on virtual private servers with the Linux operating system.

  1. How To Install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) on Fedora: A LAMP stack runs Fedora when you create it, so the Linux part is taken care of. This tutorial will teach you how to install the rest.

  2. How To Install LAMP on Ubuntu 14.04 [Quickstart]: This guide takes you through the steps to set up a LAMP stack on Ubuntu 14.04, on a single web server, so you can quickly get your PHP application up and running.

  3. How To Use the LAMP 1-Click Install on DigitalOcean: This tutorial will guide you through spinning up a DigitalOcean Droplet with LAMP stack pre-installed, using the DigitalOcean LAMP 1-Click App.

  4. How To Install WordPress with LAMP on Ubuntu 16.04: In this guide, we’ll focus on getting a WordPress instance set up on a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) on an Ubuntu 16.04 server.

Benefits of LAMP hosting with DigitalOcean

Low bandwidth pricing

DigitalOcean offers cost-effective compute capacity starting at just $4/month for our Droplet virtual machines, with generous bandwidth included and low pricing for additional bandwidth, ensuring you only pay for the resources you need.

Simplified management

DigitalOcean provides an intuitive interface for effortless security and billing management, streamlining administrative tasks for a hassle-free hosting experience.

Ease of use and control

DigitalOcean was built for developers, giving your teams greater control over their Drupal applications and systems without adding complexity.

Root-level access

Root-level access is available, allowing you to make in-depth system-level configurations and install any necessary tools or software to optimize your Drupal website.


DigitalOcean’s infrastructure is highly scalable, enabling you to easily adapt to changes in traffic and resource demands as your needs for Drupal expand.

Free-floating IP

DigitalOcean offers a free-floating IP address, allowing you to seamlessly redirect traffic or recover from failures, enhancing the reliability and availability of your Drupal website.

Get started with DigitalOcean for seamless and reliable LAMP hosting and deployment.

Frequently asked questions

What is LAMP?

A LAMP stack is a solution stack that employs a specific group of open-source software to host web applications on a server. This term is an acronym which represents the Linux operating system with the Apache web server software, where site data is stored in a MySQL database, and dynamic content is processed by PHP.

What is LAMP hosting?

LAMP hosting refers to hosting services optimized for deploying and managing Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP servers that host web pages and more. These services often include server resources, databases, and support for open-source software stacks.

What are some of the best LAMP stack hosting providers?

Your LAMP stack needs secure, reliable hosting. DigitalOcean has all the support you need to build dynamic web applications on top of an open-source operating system like Linux. Not only are we technologically capable of running Apache, MySQL, and PHP software across virtual private servers in data centers all over the world, but our vast library of LAMP stack resources across DigitalOcean Community will help you build something truly special quickly.

What is DigitalOcean, and why is it a solid LAMP hosting solution?

DigitalOcean is a cloud infrastructure provider known for simplicity and a developer-friendly platform. DigitalOcean is popular for hosting sites on LAMP servers because of our ease of use and cost-effective solutions compared to other hosting providers.

We offer a variety of products and services, including Droplets (virtual machines), Kubernetes, and App Platform. Our solutions include scalable storage options, automated backups, and an extensive library of pre-configured 1-Click applications, that simplify deployment and management of LAMP servers and other software.

Which DigitalOcean service is best for hosting a LAMP stack?

DigitalOcean is a cloud hosting provider that offers many services, but for hosting a LAMP stack, a Droplet (a virtual private server) is a common choice. It provides flexibility and control over your server environment, enabling dedicated LAMP hosting and providing some of the best web hosting services available. DigitalOcean offers a variety of plans for its Droplets, starting at just $4.00/month, with options optimized for CPU, RAM, and more. We also offer Premium Intel and Premium AMD Droplets for even faster performance.

How do I deploy a LAMP stack on DigitalOcean?

The deployment process typically involves setting up a Droplet, configuring the server, installing Apache, MySQL, and PHP on a Linux server, and configuring the server to meet your needs. Explore our expansive documentation to guide you through this process.

How can I secure my LAMP hosting on DigitalOcean?

You can enhance security by using HTTPS (SSL/TLS), setting up a firewall, keeping your LAMP server and software updated, and following security best practices for your web-based applications.

What is the best way to handle database management on DigitalOcean for a LAMP server?

DigitalOcean offers managed database services for MySQL, which can simplify database management. A database server will be installed on your LAMP Droplet so you can configure it according to your needs.

Can I scale my dynamic web applications on DigitalOcean if they experience increased traffic?

Yes, the DigitalOcean web host allows you to scale your application vertically (by resizing your Droplet) or horizontally (by adding more Droplets). You can use load balancers to distribute traffic if needed.

Are free domain names or free SSL certificates included when hosting a LAMP stack on DigitalOcean?

No, DigitalOcean does not provide free domain names as part of their hosting services. You’ll need to purchase a domain separately from a domain registrar and then configure it to point to your website on DigitalOcean.

DigitalOcean offers SSL certificates through LetsEncrypt for certain products if you manage your domains on DigitalOcean. Learn more in our SSL documentation.

What VPS hosting packages are offered by DigitalOcean and how do they differ from other web hosting providers?

DigitalOcean offers a range of VPS hosting suitable packages. These VPS hosting plans, known as “Droplets,” come in various configurations, allowing you to choose the right amount of CPU, RAM, and storage based on your websites or project requirements. DigitalOcean’s pricing and flexibility make it an attractive choice for LAMP hosting services.

What are the potential cost considerations when hosting LAMP servers on DigitalOcean?

Costs for your VPS plan depend on the resources you use (e.g., Droplet size, data transfer, and additional services). DigitalOcean provides transparent pricing, and you can use monitoring tools to track your expenses.

How can I back up my dynamic web application and data on DigitalOcean?

DigitalOcean offers automated backup solutions for your LAMP Droplets. Additionally, you can create regular database backups and store them in a secure location, which is one of the best web server hosting solutions to backing up data.

Does DigitalOcean offer customer support for its LAMP hosting plans?

DigitalOcean offers all customers excellent customer support—our free support plan gives users access to ticketed support 24/7, while those who need faster response times and dedicated customer support representatives for their LAMP stack can upgrade to one of our paid support plans for more help with your Apache, MySQL, and PHP installation.

Does DigitalOcean provide help with my LAMP installation?

DigitalOcean’s vast library of tutorials, in addition to our product-specific documentation, provides users with the knowledge they need to install LAMP open-source software with ease—including in-depth tutorials on all things Linux and other operating systems.

Get started for free

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*This promotional offer applies to new accounts only.