
Pittsburgh, We’ll See Yinz at RailsConf!

Jaime Woo

Posted: April 18, 20181 min read

RailsConf has left the desert and makes its way to Steel City April 17-19, 2018. We’ll have Sam Phippen presenting, and several DO-ers checking out talks and tending our booth. Here’s what you need to know about RailsConf 2018.

In Sam’s talk, “Quick and easy browser testing using RSpec and Rails 5.1,” you’ll learn about the new system specs in RSpec, how to set them up, and what benefits they provide. It’s for anyone wanting to improve their RSpec suite with full-stack testing.

From the talk description:

Traditionally doing a full-stack test of a Rails app with RSpec has been problematic. The browser wouldn’t automate, capybara configuration would be a nightmare, and cleaning up your DB was difficult. In Rails 5.1 the new ‘system test’ type was added to address this. With modern RSpec and Rails, testing every part of your stack including Javascript from a browser is now a breeze.

Make sure you don’t miss it, Thursday, April 19, from 10:50 AM-11:30 AM in the Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom. If you’re interested in RSpec, you might dig his talk from 2017, “Teaching RSpec to Play Nice with Rails.”

You can also catch us in the Exhibit Hall, at booth number 520. The Hall is on Level 2, in Hall A. We’ll be hanging at our booth Wednesday, April 18 from 9:30 AM-6:00 PM, and Thursday, April 19 from 9:30 AM-5:15 PM.

See you there, or, as they say in Pittsburgh, meechinsdahnair!


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