Tim Falls
I’m thrilled to announce some big news for the DigitalOcean community: Scotch is joining the DigitalOcean family.
If you’re not familiar with Scotch’s awesome library of tutorials and tips already, we can’t wait to introduce you. Please see the note below for more context from Scotch’s cofounder, Chris.
We’re excited that the DigitalOcean community is growing by leaps and bounds, and we’re immensely grateful for the developers worldwide who make it what it is. A sincere and heartfelt thanks to all of you.
– Tim Falls, Director of Community @ DigitalOcean
A note from Chris Sevilleja of Scotch
Scotch is joining the DigitalOcean family! This is a huge deal, and you probably have a ton of questions.
In the short version, DigitalOcean is extremely community driven and is committed to supporting the Scotch ecosystem of developers, authors, tutorials, and more. Here’s the long version:
When Nick Cerminara and I (Chris Sev) started Scotch, we wanted to create a place where developers could help developers by sharing knowledge, tips, and tactics to get better at their craft. We were passionate about education: we wanted everyone to learn not only how to get better at coding, but to understand the deep decisions at the heart of creating awesome code. An internal goal for us has always been to “explain why, not just how.”
We never imagined that the Scotch community would grow to more than two million developers visiting us every month. As of today, Scotch is home to more than 1,800 tutorials and articles produced by our amazing and talented community around the world.
There aren’t many places on the Internet that are as devoted to developer education as we are. But we found one.
You probably already know about DigitalOcean. They are a cloud provider (Scotch has been hosted on their Droplets since we started) that also cares a lot about the developer community and helping developers become better coders. Their Community site is famous for having one of the most comprehensive, well written tutorial sections anywhere. In short, they’re a company of developers working to make the developer experience incredible for anyone, anywhere. Sounds a lot like Scotch!
When DigitalOcean reached out to us, I knew that we have both been committed to developer communities for years. Seeing their programs that are devoted to developers is what let me know that they were a great match for Scotch – programs like:
Commitment to developer support is why we agreed to join forces. We know that joining the Scotch and DigitalOcean communities is going to be massive. Together, we will be the best educational resource for developers on the planet. This is a dream come true for me, and I can’t wait to make it happen.
So is Scotch going away? No way! In fact, our site is getting even better for our community – and for everyone. Starting immediately, we are going to remove the paywall for all articles and tutorials and Scotch. Our content will be free to anyone.
In addition, we’ll make sure that great Scotch tutorials also appear on the DigitalOcean Community site so that even more developers can benefit from our community’s expertise.
There’s a lot of work to do to help developers around the world. Joining the DigitalOcean Community will allow Scotch to continue the work that its been doing. More support for great authors, more quality content for developers, and a cleaner experience from learning to creating.
I hope you’re as stoked about the evolution of Scotch as I am. Let’s keep on making great things together!
– Chris Sevilleja, Cofounder of Scotch.io and (now) Community Manager @ DigitalOcean too!
Admas Kanyagia
Aaqib Gadit