API for MeteorJS

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A MeteorJS Package for version 2 of DigitalOcean's API


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The Package allows you to communicate with the DigitalOcean API V2 from MeteorJS in a promise friendly manner. It also supports automatic request retries.

This Package based on icodeforlove’s NodeJS wrapper, And the documentation here is based on his README.md.


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This module is published in AtmosphereJS:

meteor add dyaa:digitalocean


// Import a module
var api = new Digitalocean({token:'my_token'});

// Get things done
api.dropletGetAll().then(function (droplets) {


new Digitalocean({
	token: 'my_token',
	itemsPerPage: 100, // default=100
	maxRetries: 5, // default=5
	raw: false // default=false


you can pass pagination params into any method that has a body or query argument.

api.dropletGetAll({per_page: 1, page: 2}).then(function (droplets) {


if you set raw it will return the full response body with request info and ratelimiting details, the default is false.


would return

		account: {
			droplet_limit: 25,
			email: 'email@domain.com',
			uuid: 'f5bbaffce3a8792421593a7075b486bafd66672f',
			email_verified: true
		ratelimit: {
			limit: '5000',
			remaining: '4993',
			reset: '1434197547'
		requestinfo: {
			id: 'a24427fd-0d43-9536-a206-zac22d2696e1',
			runtime: '0.038537'

and with raw set to false (the default), it would return

		droplet_limit: 25,
		email: 'email@domain.com',
		uuid: 'f5bbaffce3a8792421593a7075b486bafd66672f',
		email_verified: true


All methods follow the official API documentation.





SSH keys




Floating IPs


Copyright © 2015 Dyaa Eldin Moustafa Licensed under the MIT license.

by: Dyaa EldinNovember 17, 2015Visit site

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