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Sharing files with friends, customers, colleagues or anyone else has never been so professional

Dropshare is a menu bar application for Drag&Drop upload files, screenshots and even directories to your own server, Amazon S3 or Rackspace Cloud Files. Sharing files with friends, customers, colleagues or anyone else has never been so professional!

Dropshare is a secure alternative to cloud hosted file sharing. Instead of sharing your files via a cloud hosted service with no control and monthly financial commitments, just use your own server: Dropshare natively supports Secure Copy (SCP over SSH), a secure industry standard protocol for file transfers.

Dropshare supports Multiple Connections: You can set up different upload destinations at the same time and switch between them using user-defined keyboard shortcuts!

** Uploads everything No matter if files, folders, text or screenshots - Dropshare uploads every file and data to your selected destination - also from clipboard or other applications like Safari.

** Automatic screenshot upload Set up your own keyboard shortcuts for fullscreen or selection-based screenshots that’ll be uploaded automatically with Dropshare.

** Screen Recordings Take & upload Screen Recordings directly with Dropshare, both fullscreen and selection-based recordings are available.

** Beautiful individual landing pages Instead of linking to the uploaded file directly, the app offers to generate a neat landing page for your uploads. Choose from a number of free designs or craft an individual design on your own using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. A preview can be embedded for several file types, e.g. images, text or video files.

** Choose your URL shortener Dropshare supports URL shorteners as well - natively supported URLs (e.g. dsh.re), or configure your very own URL shortener service like bit.ly (for hosted services) or YOURLS (for self-hosted services).

** Dropshare Sync Synchronize your upload history across all your devices which have Dropshare installed.

** 1-Click Delete from your server Whenever you decide that you no longer want to share a specific file, just use Dropshare to delete it from the upload destination again.

** Markdown to HTML If enabled, Dropshare automatically converts Markdown files to HTML.

** Services enabled Dropshare introduces itself to the Mac OS X Services Menu. By doing so, you can perfectly use the tools Mac OS X provides to create e.g. keyboard shortcuts for specific actions.

** IPv6 ready Worth to mention, Dropshare works perfectly well in IPv6 environments.

by: Timo JostenJanuary 6, 2015Visit site

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