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The first and only ElasticSearch & DigitalOcean Real-Time Monitoring tool.

The first and only ElasticSearch & DigitalOcean Real-Time Monitoring tool. Now you can keep an eye on DigitalOcean Droplets or ElasticSearch Instance or both of them on-a-go!


  • DigitalOcean Monitoring tool

This tool is build in case you spin a cloud server on DigitalOcean. You can use it even if you never heard of ElasticSearch…it is totally up to you. View your Droplets, check their status, reboot or power off them just with a single swipe. P.S. Awesome way to get your ElasticSearch running is to use DigitalOcean:)

  • ElasticSearch Cluster tool

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. Now you can monitor current node and clusters state, overall node performance from I/O to Memory usage and many more parameters.

  • ElasticSearch Performance Monitoring tool

Allows you to record and see in real time the performance indicators of ElasticSearch (currently CPU and JVM). Need to compare how different requests affect the performance - try using this tool! (available in PRO version)

  • ElasticSearch REST client

Allows you to explore the full potential of the ElasticSearch API. With the powerful REST UI making any query is not a problem any more. Also you can compose and save any queries you use often and quickly assess it any time. The query results are shown in simple table view for faster navigation and easy readability. (Saving custom requests is only available in PRO version)

  • Error Reporter

This tool allows you easily to setup the notification system available on the palm of your hand. How can it be used? For example you can wright a simple script to run on your server monitoring the state of ElasticSearch performance or DigitalOcean Droplets and if something is wrong send a push notification to ElasticOcean. Don’t miss the moment your droplet went down anymore! (Push notifications are only available with Push package) Please refer to FAQ in Settings view inside the app to get more information on how to setup notifications. Still have questions? Just drop us a line: support@bpautomations.com or using Report a n issue inside an app.

by: Popov AndreyMarch 1, 2015Visit site

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Can you make it available to iTunes Japan?

After i have set everything up and paid for the extensions, the app closes. I try to re-open, but i can’t. On iPhone 6 and ios9. Thanks.

Hope you will enjoy it. For quick support please use the corresponding tab inside the app. And thank you all for using ElasticOcean.

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