Choose DigitalOcean for secure, reliable, and flexible FTP hosting solutions

Use DigitalOcean’s flexible cloud solutions to create an FTP server that is customized to your businesses’ requirements

Introduction to FTP hosting with DigitalOcean

DigitalOcean provides flexible and reliable virtual machines supporting FTP service for individuals and businesses seeking to store, manage, and transfer files securely over the Internet. DigitalOcean, a leading cloud infrastructure provider, offers a range of features and resources tailored to FTP hosting needs.

Users can deploy highly customizable virtual servers known as Droplets, choosingCPU, RAM, and storage specifications to match their requirements. With a network of data centers worldwide, DigitalOcean ensures low-latency and high-availability connections for efficient file transfers. Additional benefits include automated backups, snapshots, and a developer-friendly API, allowing for seamless server management and integration. Secure SSH key authentication further enhances data protection, making DigitalOcean an ideal choice for FTP hosting.

Get simple, cost-effective FTP hosting with these DigitalOcean benefits

Highly customizable Droplets

DigitalOcean allows you to create Droplets (virtual servers) with customized specifications. You can choose CPU, RAM, storage, and data center location, ensuring optimal performance for your FTP hosting server. This granular control ensures you can match server resources precisely to your needs.

Robust data center network

DigitalOcean operates data centers in multiple regions worldwide, providing low-latency access to users. DigitalOcean’s network features high-speed connections, redundancy, and DDoS protection, helping to ensure that your FTP hosting remains available and responsive.

Snapshots and backups

You can take snapshots of your Droplets to capture the entire server state at a specific moment for your FTP hosting account. Additionally, automated backups enable you to schedule regular backups. These features help with disaster recovery and server maintenance.

Developer-friendly FTP hosting API

DigitalOcean offers a well-documented API that allows developers to automate server management tasks, such as creating, configuring, and monitoring FTP servers programmatically. This API facilitates integration with other services and systems.

User-friendly control panel

DigitalOcean provides a user-friendly control panel for managing your FTP hosting environment. It includes features like one-click application installations and resource monitoring, making it easy to administer your servers and applications.

SSH Key authentication

DigitalOcean promotes secure authentication with SSH keys for FTP hosting. You can upload your public SSH key to your Droplet, enhancing security by eliminating password-based logins. This feature significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access to your FTP hosting server.

How to install FTP on DigitalOcean

Installing FTP on a virtual private server (VPS hosting) is a straightforward process, with most FTP servers offering practical default settings. There are a wide array of FTP hosting programs available for VPS installations. Two commonly used options are ProFTPD and VSFTPD. Read these tutorials to get instructions on how to install these popular FTP servers on different operating systems.

VSFTPD on Ubuntu 20.04

VSFTPD on Ubuntu 12.04

VSFTPD on CentOS 6

ProFTPD on Ubuntu 12.04

ProFTPD on Centos 6

Get seamless, simple FTP hosting through DigitalOcean—sign up today to get started

Frequently asked questions

What is DigitalOcean?

DigitalOcean is a cloud infrastructure provider that offers cloud computing services, including virtual private servers (known as Droplets), managed databases, dedicated server hosting, and other cloud-related services. Their Droplets are Linux-based virtual machines which can be configured to create a secure FTP hosting service.

What is an FTP host?

An FTP host is an FTP server address or computer that provides access for transferring files using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). FTP hosts can be part of an FTP hosting provider infrastructure, offering users a platform to upload, download, and manage files or their web hosting account securely over the internet.

Can I use FTP for hosting on DigitalOcean?

Yes, you can use FTP hosting for data transmission, to and from your DigitalOcean Droplets. However, it’s important to note that an SFTP server, SSH (secure shell protocol), is recommended for secure FTP connections.

Where can I find my FTP connection information for DigitalOcean’s FTP hosting services required to establish a connection?

The specific FTP credentials, such as server address, username, and password, would typically be provided during the setup process or available in your DigitalOcean account settings.

How do I secure SSH access for FTP hosting on DigitalOcean?

To secure SSH access for FTP hosting, you can use key-based authentication and disable password login. DigitalOcean provides guides for setting up secure SSH access to your Droplets.

How do I set up an FTP server on DigitalOcean?

Setting up an FTP server on the DigitalOcean web host involves installing and configuring FTP hosting software on your Droplet. Common options include vsftpd and ProFTPD. You can find tutorials and documentation on the DigitalOcean website.

What is passive FTP, and how does it relate to FTP hosting on DigitalOcean?

Passive FTP hosting is a mode used in FTP data transfer. DigitalOcean supports both active and passive FTP, enabling secure data exchange between your server and clients behind firewalls or NAT. Configuring passive FTP involves specific port range settings on your DigitalOcean server for secure file access and seamless file transfers.

What is the difference between FTP and SFTP?

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an insecure protocol for transferring files, while SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a secure and encrypted version of FTP that provides better security for data transfer. DigitalOcean recommends using SFTP for file transfer when operating with FTP hosting providers.

Is shared FTP server hosting better than cloud hosting provided by DigitalOcean?

Shared FTP hosting, like A2 Hosting, is for websites, while DigitalOcean offers scalable cloud hosting. The choice depends on your needs. A2 Hosting enables web hosting, while DigitalOcean provides versatile cloud infrastructure suitable for various applications and services.

Can I get a free domain with FTP hosting on DigitalOcean?

DigitalOcean primarily offers cloud infrastructure services and virtual private servers (Droplets), but they don’t provide free domains. You’d need to purchase a domain separately from domain registrars or use a third-party service for your FTP hosting needs.

Is the secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) supported on DigitalOcean?

DigitalOcean supports and recommends the use of SFTP or other secure transfer methods such as a secure FTP server to ensure data security.

Can I use FTP to transfer files to my DigitalOcean Spaces?

Yes, you can use secure file transfer protocol servers to transfer files to your DigitalOcean Spaces, but it’s recommended to use the Spaces API or a compatible tool for more secure and efficient file transfers.

Is root access required for setting up an FTP account on DigitalOcean?

Root access is not mandatory for an FTP hosting account setup, but it can be helpful for configuring and managing your server. You can create an FTP user with limited privileges, enhancing security. Always exercise caution when granting root access to maintain the integrity of your server.

How many FTP accounts can I create on DigitalOcean for FTP hosting?

DigitalOcean offers the bandwidth to scale and create unlimited FTP accounts. The number of accounts you can set up depends on your server’s resources and your specific requirements. You have the flexibility to create as many FTP accounts as needed for your project.

Do I need to install an FTP client software to connect to my DigitalOcean Droplet?

Yes, to connect to your Droplet via FTP service or SFTP, you’ll need an FTP client software, such as FileZilla, Cyberduck, or WinSCP, depending on your operating system.

How do I choose the best FTP hosting provider for my business?

When choosing the best FTP hosting providers for your business, consider factors like reliability, security, scalability, customer support, and cost. Evaluate features, such as storage, bandwidth, and server locations, to ensure they meet your specific needs. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations can also help make an informed decision when looking for the best FTP hosting services.

Are there any bandwidth limitations for FTP hosting on DigitalOcean?

DigitalOcean has a specific bandwidth limit for each Droplet based on its pricing plan. For your FTP hosting and FTP clients, you can always upgrade your current hosting plan to unlimited bandwidth, depending on your needs.

Can I download files from my DigitalOcean server using FTP?

Yes, you can download files from your DigitalOcean server using an FTP client. Connect to your server, navigate to the desired directory, and use the client to transfer files from the server to your local machine or vice versa.

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*This promotional offer applies to new accounts only.