Build your infrastructure for high-performance and high-availability

We want to ensure that all of our customers have the knowledge and tools to make their infrastructure resilient, available, and fast.

Decide on the level of control you want over your infrastructure.

Do you want to simply write code, click a button, and then have your app automatically deploy? Or are you looking to set up and maintain the underlying servers that control your application? No matter what kind of development path you are looking to start we have you covered.

Which Droplet Type Should You Use?

DigitalOcean Droplets have quietly evolved from low-cost VMs well-suited to developers’ hobby projects, into a robust compute platform suitable for both business and personal applications. In this video we share an overview of the Droplet type is best suited for your project.

Maximizing performance by choosing the right storage options

Flexible and scalable data storage is a baseline requirement for most applications and services being developed with modern techniques and tools.

Security and reliability with DigitalOcean networking

As part of your deployment process, it is important to include building in robust and thorough security and reliability measures for your systems and applications.

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Load Balancers

When you plan for your scaling needs, you’ll always be ready to handle more traffic. Adding a fully managed Load Balancer increases availability by distributing traffic between your Droplets.

Learn more

Benefits of Managed Databases

Learn about the benefits of DBaaS, including the difficulties that come with managing a database on your own.

Managed Kubernetes

For our customers out there who want to embrace the complex world of Kubernetes, we have you covered

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*This promotional offer applies to new accounts only.