
1 click app with rails: Default postgres password nil on new droplet

I’m new to this so I could be making a newbie error, but I’m fairly certain something is wrong here. I created a new droplet with the one click rails app on ubuntu. I started following the rails tutorial that digitalocean supplied. I did a ssh to the server (doing nothing else), and saw that the MOTD had this:

You can use the following Postgres database credentials:
  * User: rails
  * Pass: 

The tutorial says there should be a supplied password already baked in as soon as I ssh. Also, another potential problem is that /etc/default/unicorn is not present.

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Accepted Answer

The reason it doesn’t work is because the pointer to the password environment variable is named incorrectly. If you look in .bashrc you can see it. They spelled something wrong. I can’t ssh into the droplet at the moment to look at the correct name for the variable, but if you look between .bashrc, the main passwords file for the account (the one that the motd states) and motd.tail I think you’ll find it there or in a related file.

I have the same problem, i create a new droplet from new york to san francisco but password again is nill.

When a tried to created a migration and run the command rake db:migrate the server tell me about PG::CONNECTIONBAD: fe_sendauth: no password supplied

In the ubuntu 14 this not happend

/etc/default/unicorn is not present on the Ruby on Rails One-Click Application because between Ubuntu 14 and Ubuntu 16 the old init system was replaced with systemd. Here are some pages you might want to read: lots on systemd how to transition systemd essentials The service command still works, but try the new and improved systemctl. init system chaos (opinion) purpose of /etc/default

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