I have three websites built with Vue/Nuxt hosted on the digital ocean with nginx reserve proxy. I check all websites every day and everything was working fine till yesterday. But today, I found a “502 bad gateway” error on one of my websites. Now, I have run built again and everything’s working fine.
But, my question is, why did this happen? Yesterday, I received a mail informing “emergency droplet migration”. Did this error occur due to CPU migration?
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Hi @aashaytrivedi1,
I doubt the issue has occurred due to the migration itself however if you are uncertain, I’ll recommend just asking in it.
Additionally, the message should say if any strange behaviours are to be expected after the migration.
If that happens again, I’ll recommend checking out Nginx’s error log to see the exact reason behind the 502 BAD Gateway error. It should state the reason it’s failing.
Regards, KFSys
Please check this article https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/502-bad-gateway-nginx-2