
Cannot access droplet by SSH nor Console

My droplet keeps giving me 500 error. I reset the root password and when I try to login it forces me to set a new password. Right after setting the new password I get the following message:

Connection to [my.domain] closed.

When I try to access using the console, it shows the same process of password resetting, but after typing the new password, the concole blacks out and restarts, asking for login over and over again

After that I made a snapshot and it used up 25.8 GB, so it seems my droplet is full. I thought the login issue was related to error on saving logs or something like that, but…

Upgraded the droplet to increase its disk space (now it has more than enough) and sill get the same behavior.

Any ideas?

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Opened a ticket and the support team got the exact thing I had to do:

  1. Turn off the droplet
  2. On the web panel, went to “Recovery” panel (currently last link, down there)
  3. Set to boot from ISO
  4. Turn on the droplet
  5. Acess using the Recovery Console (now it works)
  6. Delete some useless files (In my case got rid of some backup files)
  7. Shut down the droplet
  8. Changed back the “Recovery” type to boot from hard disk
  9. Turn on the Droplet

Now it is working fine. Got to extract my files and database content :D

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
January 11, 2023

Hello @caiofelipegiasson

If you type directly into the console, it may initially read your number keys incorrectly, as if the SHIFT key is pressed. For example, pressing the 2 key may enter @.

This happens only when typing. You can avoid the problem by copying the text, then pasting it into the console by pressing CTRL + v. You can also reset this behavior and ensure that your keystrokes are being received correctly by pressing SHIFT and CTRL a few times, then testing your number keys again.

Also, you can try disabling any add-block-related extensions in your browser or try loading the recovery console using an alternative browser.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
January 11, 2023

Hi @caiofelipegiasson,

This seems like an issue you’ll need to resolve using the Recovery Console. It’s possible the disk didn’t extend itself and it’s still full. In such cases, using the Recovery Console should be the only option:

Let me know how it goes.

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