
Cannot Create Droplet With CloudInit Config


I’m trying to create a DO droplet and provision it using a quite long 64 line long cloud-init file. I would like to end up with a LEMP environment which could be used as a target for a Capistrano deployment of a Bedrock-based WordPress installation. And it’s working great, except that [this config}[do_user_scripts/lemp.yml] leaves MySQL with the single and password-less root user.

Now I would like to tighten the security of MySQL with [mysql_secure_installation]. It appears that running this wit the runcmd module is not possible, because mysql_secure_installation is interactive. Therefore, the best way appears to be by running the SQL directly, However, when I merge the command(s) into the YAML document, I get the following message:

Sorry! We’ve encountered an error creating your Droplet.

Below please find the relevant section. Please note that as soon as I remove the lines starting with “mysql”, I am able to create the droplet.

  - mkdir -p /var/www/html/current
  - sed -i -e "s/;cgi.fix_pathinfo=1/cgi.fix_pathinfo=0/" /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini
  # Ensure backwards compatible with 14.04
  - file=/etc/nginx/fastcgi.conf; if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then ln -s /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params "$file"; fi
  - service nginx restart
  - "mysql -u root -e \"CREATE DATABASE wordpress;\""
  - "mysql -u root -e \"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpress.* TO 'wordpress'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'wordpresspassword'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\""

I have tried arranging the above into different formats. I’ve tried putting it on into one mysql command used several kinds of YAML multiline syntax, bash HEREDOC to split the query into lines, and every time made sure that it gets validated by the [YAML validator]. Alas, I get the pesky message every time, and it pops out immediately after I hit the “Create” button. This means that the problem happens somewhere on the front-end, and could be with YAML validation. Which is weird, because “User data” isn’t even required to be valid YAML. And also, my YAML is valid. So, could somebody please explain what’s going on?

[this config}[do_user_scripts/lemp.yml]: [mysql_secure_installation]: [YAML validator]:

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Accepted Answer


There’s a filter, and nothing can be done about it. Use the API instead.

Full Answer

DO support acknowledges the problem, admits the existence of a filter. Please find their final reply below.

I believe the filtering is in place on the front-end to avoid injection attempts. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to loosen the current grips of that filtering. As a solution to the issue without reconfiguring the scripts, we’d recommend utilizing the API instead of the web panel for this creation

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