What are the pros and cons of using the Digital Ocean cloud firewall over something like UFW ? Should both be used at the same time or will that be redundant ?
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UFW is a host-based tool, while DO’s Cloud Firewall is a network-based one… Using DO’s tool will not only provide reusability of rules (deploy inbound / outbound rules to many droplets - or even tags - at once) but also processes them before even getting to the droplet. Don’t get me wrong, UFW is an amazing, full-feature and extremely efficient tool, however when it comes to deploying shared common rules to lots of servers, it’s a bit time-consuming and repetitive task.
IMHO using them both at the same time would be redundant (assuming you have same rules on both firewalls). I would just go with the Cloud Firewall… Hope I could help!!!
If I use DO cloud firewall, does that also mean I can stop using fail2ban?
I guess you’d still need UFW/IPTables if you want to use fail2ban.