Hi, I have upgraded from 25Gb to 50Gb on my server. Standard / 2 GB / 1 vCPU / 50Gb - I powered off, chose my selection and clicked Resize, when it finished I powered up and logged into ssh and its still only showing 25Gb. I have confirmed the selection in the web interface as 50Gb. I have powered off and rebooted, still 25Gb. Any help is appreciated.
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When resizing the Droplet, the block device is increased when the resize uses the CPU, Memory and Disk option. In most cases, the next boot will detect this within the software running on the Droplet and kick off some steps to update this.
This can fail however at 100% disk usage ( as some space is still required for temporary files ) or when the particular release of software installed on the Droplet doesn’t accomplish this. The platform isn’t able to determine this however, as we limit the access to the partition/data of the Droplet. You can however address this after clearing up sufficient space to operate with these steps:
Check current filesystem size of /dev/vda1: lsblk
If you see the block device is larger than the partition, you will need to grow the primary partition of your Droplet: growpart /dev/vda 1
Grow the filesystem on the partition: resize2fs /dev/vda1
Re-check the filesystem size to ensure it is filling the disk:
df -h
You should now be fully utilizing the space.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions, and have a wonderful day!
Cheers, Sri Charan
Hi I did this and it returned with a “The filesystem is already 83857659 (4k) blocks long. Nothing to do!” (resized to 900GB). But when I checked using “df -h” command it still has the previous storage size.
In addition to what’s been already mentioned, I want to include our article on How to resize droplets