Anyone noticed issues with DNS resolution issues with various linux applications on their droplets?
While I can get IPs from nslookup, apps like yum seem to be having resolution errors.
Could not get metalink error was 12: Timeout on (28, ‘Resolving timed out after 30545 milliseconds’) [Errno 12] Timeout on (28, ‘Resolving timed out after 30545 milliseconds’) Trying other mirror. ^C [Errno 12] Timeout on (28, ‘Resolving timed out after 30878 milliseconds’) Trying other mirror. [Errno 12] Timeout on (28, ‘Resolving timed out after 30545 milliseconds’) Trying other mirror. [Errno 12] Timeout on (28, ‘Resolving timed out after 30546 milliseconds’) Trying other mirror.
ping resolves, but seems rather slow in pulling up the ip or doing pings.
Looking at the droplet’s load time, I am not seeing hardly any load and I rebooted the droplet recently as well.
Anyone else having similar issues?
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I’m also having problems with my servers in SFO1, I would change to the openDNS servers and
What servers are you using for resolving on the server?
SFO1, I believe.
It looks like Google DNS is hammered or something. I pointed my droplet to Level 3’s DNS. I would list the link I got it from, but the community forum flagged it as spam.