I was thinking about using a function as a means to do database migrations. Basically what will happen is github actions will send a rest request to the function endpoint. The function would then clone a git-hub repository with a size of less than 10MB and execute the change-logs.
My question is: Do functions have temporary storage space that files can be downloaded to and then operated on?
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What you can use for that is Spaces.
I think it will suit your needs.
Based on the docs here, the maximum size of the built function is 48 MB so this should be enough for you.
However, I don’t think that the git CLI will be available within the function runtime itself. Rather than cloning the GitHub repository you might want to pass your migration files in another way, like a JSON payload for example.
- Bobby
For database migrations triggered by GitHub Actions, consider using a dedicated runner with persistent storage. This allows you to download and store the changelog files for later execution within the function. It’s a more robust approach for migration scripts.