
GET Presigned URL - SignatureDoesNotMatch


I am using the AWSSDK.S3, version 3.7.305.30, for Dotnet Core. I have ran into an issue when creating a PreSignedURL, but have been able to perform most other operations through the SDK with no issues.

I am creating the PreSignedURL in a Dotnet Web API, and then sending the result string to a Client Application, which is attempting to embed the result in an <object>/<iframe>/etc.

However, I cannot get this to work. I always get a SignatureDoesNotMatch error. I get the same error, if I copy the result string, and paste it into a browser (i.e. visit the link).

My code is as follows:

var accessKey = configuration.GetSection("AppSettings:StorageAK").Value;
var secretKey = configuration.GetSection("AppSettings:StorageSecret").Value;

var config = new AmazonS3Config
      ServiceURL = "",

var s3Client = AmazonS3Client(accessKey, secretKey, config);

var presignRequest = new GetPreSignedUrlRequest()
      BucketName = tenant.TenantStorageBucket,
      Key = id.ToString(),
      Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(900),
      ContentType = "text/plain",

return await s3Client.GetPreSignedURLAsync(presignRequest);

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Accepted Answer

I found my issue. I’ll leave this here just incase someone else encounters the same problem.

The root cause was the ServiceUrl.

var config = new AmazonS3Config
      ServiceURL = "",
      ForcePathStyle = true,

Is the correct configuration.

The peculiar thing, in my instance, was that other operations worked, despite the mistake.

I have come to believe the SignedUrls must follow the ‘Path-style file URL’, as opposed to ‘Virtual-hosted style file URL’, and that the other operations are agnostic regarding the format. But that’s just a suspicion.

@digitalocean - The need for a ForcedPathStyle is currently missing from the C# example at this link:

Hope this helps someone in the future.

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