I have redmine installed on my Digital Ocean Linux server. Sometimes it works, often it fails with “We’re sorry, but something went wrong.”.
Any suggestions for me?
Thanks in advance.
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You’ll need to check your error logs. In your application’s error log you’ll get the exact error and can further act upon it.
Currently, what you are seeing
“We’re sorry, but something went wrong.
Is a generic error which can be used for multiple incidents.Hey,
In order to get to the actual error that is causing this message, I could suggest checking your logs which can provide more detailed information about what’s going wrong.
You can find the Redmine logs in the
file in your Redmine installation directory. If the issue is due to a misconfiguration or a plugin problem, the logs should provide specific error messages:Look for any Ruby errors, missing dependencies, or issues with database connections and any errors or warnings in general.
If there are no errors, as you are only seeing this sometimes, you should also make sure that your server has enough resources (CPU, RAM, Disk space) to run Redmine. Insufficient resources can lead to intermittent failures.
You can use
,free -m
, ordf -h
to check your server’s resource usage.If this is the case, then consider upgrading your server to add some extra RAM and CPU power:
- Bobby