Do digital ocean supports .net applications? Or supports .net core applications?
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Hi, @jcoronado
Currently, DigitalOcean only allows the deployment of Linux based OS’s. You may be able to achieve this however by creating your own custom Windows ISO image and then using that when creating your Droplet.
I recommend that you add your vote to the Windows Server idea on our Product Ideas Board as well as commenting your use-case there so that our teams can better understand the demand for this.
However you can check at our tutorial on how to deploy an ASP.NET Core application with MySQL server usuing Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04 here:
Hope that helps! Regards, Alex
DigitalOcean droplets are all Linux based. This Microsoft guide explains setting up a production-ready ASP.NET Core environment on an Ubuntu 16.04 server:
Hello there,
Another option will be using our App Platform
While we don’t currently support detecting and building .NET Core apps using Buildpacks, you can accomplish this with a Dockerfile in your repo.
This is an example: