
High CPU usage every day after update new droplet

Hi , i update the droplet to new Digital Ocean. I was 512 ram . Now 1Gb , After upgrade all the day in the same time i got High CPU usage. Can u tell me how to check who proces is consuming this? Thank you!

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Accepted Answer

Hi, I’m experiencing exactly the same problem. I have noticed that CPU activity increased considerably after resizing my Droplet (to take advantage of the benefits their new plans).

Recently I opened a ticket to follow up on this situation (so far, they have followed my report… but there has not been a solution).

In fact… researching a bit, I found this tweet (so I deduce that I’m not the only one who has this reduction in performance):

My tests: Just before resizing my Droplet, I took a Snapshot from this one.

As a test, I created a new Droplet from that image in same datacenter -SFO2- (I was assigned a new public IP). Once created, I subjected it to an equal load of intensive to the usual and runs perfectly (it was not perceived excessive CPU load).

Once that I proved that my Snapshot worked well and stably, I decided rebuilt my main Droplet (which presents the problem) expecting it to work fine, but I still have the same problem having an excessive CPU load.

As an additional detail, I have noticed that Droplet’s boot takes too long whitout apparent reason (60 secs aproxly, when it regularly was loading in 15 secs at most).

A very practical solution for me would be to create a new Droplet from my Snapshot. The drawback is that I need to keep my public IP assigned initially.


I cant find proper solution of “High CPU usage” Anyone DO expert help me??

Looks like the problem is still there. :-/ I see 8 node processes and 4 pm2 process running. Stopped them all, restart pm2, strapi and nginx. But get just a 502 error in the browser.

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