I have a server having two drives each of 2TB. First drive is mounted to “root” (which is called “/”) and the second drive is mounted to /mnt/disk1. I am serving my files from first hard drive at location /usr/share/nginx/html/downloads/ with this default configuration below:
root /usr/share/nginx/html; <---------------default served file location index index.html index.htm; server_name localhost;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
My files can be downloaded at http://ip_address/downloads/softwares/example.exe
Now my first 2TB hard drive is filled and i dont have budget to buy another server. But i have another 2TB of hard drive having all of its 2TBfree space mounted at /mnt/disk1.
Can you please tell me how can i tell nginx to include that 2TB drive so that i can put and serve files from this 2TB drive at location /mnt/disk1
ubuntu nginx web-server ubuntu-14.04
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Only idea I can get is using another location alongside
directive for second disk. Withalias
directive you can define replacement location for content.Look at this example config
With this approach you will have following situation: If you access via
, you will see only content from first disk/
If you access viahttp://ip_address/downloads2
, you will see only content from second disk/mtn/disk1
.If you can use multiple locations, e.g.
, this will get your job done. Problem is if you want to serve files from both disk on one location -/
. You will have hard time with this.thnak you so much… It seams that your idea would work. M just going to to id. ;)