
How can I kill all MySQL sleeping queries?


I’ve noticed that I have a lot of sleeping MySQL processes. I tried killing them one by one but there are too many to do so. Does anyone know if there is an easier way to kill all sleeping processes at once?


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Accepted Answer


Yes, you can kill all of your sleeping connections with this command:

for i in `mysql -e "show processlist" | awk '/Sleep/ {print $1}'` ; do mysql -e "KILL $i;"; done

However, this is not a permanent solution. I would recommend having a look at your code and trying to figure out why those connections are kept open in the first place.

Hope that this helps! Regards, Bobby


Andrew Moore
DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
October 16, 2019

@devdojo the config variable wait_timeout sets the amount of time that MySQL will wait before killing an idle connection.

The default wait_timeout variable is 28800 seconds, which is 8 hours, you can reduce this to fit your needs. It’s a dynamic variable so you can change this on the fly. If you do change this it will only be applicable to new connections not existing threads in Sleep state.

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