
How Do I Migrate Multiple Wordpress Installs On Multiple Domains To DO?

Hey guys, I manage a small marketing agency and we currently have eleven Wordpress installs on seven separate domains which we manage for ourselves and for clients. At the moment we are using Reseller Hosting but we are outgrowing their shared system and we are looking to move up to a cloud VPS environment.

I have been using computers since 1985 but I am not a computer expert when it comes to stuff like Linux, Nginx, etc and I can only vaguely remember the good old days of CLI. What I was looking for was some (preferably simple) advice on what sort of setup I would need to run Wordpress sites efficiently on DO. We use ManageWP to manage and maintain the sites, so the setup would need to conform to their specifications.

Secondly, what would be the most efficient and safe way to migrate all of the sites over to the VPS droplet? I can backup the sites through ManageWP, and also through the Cpanel backup system, but would that help at DO’s end?

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Ryan Quinn
DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
April 6, 2015
Accepted Answer

I am not familiar with ManageWP but this tutorial will assist you in migrating a Wordpress site from shared hosting to a droplet.

To migrate multiple sites you will simply want to create a new virtualhost and database for each of them. Creating a virtualhost is covered in step 4 and creating a database is covered in the tutorial on setting up Wordpress which is linked in that one.

Hi ryanpq, Thanks for that! I read the article about migrating one WP website, but wasn’t sure about migrating multiple WP sites on multiple domains. I will check out the article you listed on virtualhosts, that might explain it for me. Thanks again. Terry

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