
How do I sync a google drive folder to a web server folder

We have a google drive folder with a spreadsheet. When the spreadsheet changes we want the contents sync’d to a web server folder. The sheet contains stock levels. When the stock levels change we want the web page to change. We currently use an app called RealTimeSync which monitors the google drive folder and FTP’s the file - but this runs on a local home machine. If the power fails then the process fails. We would like to run a similar process (not necessarily RealTimeSync) on a Digital Ocean droplet which performs the same task. Does anyone have any ideas on the best way to do this and instructions? I had a brief look at Rsync - but I’m not sure this will work. Any assistance would be most helpful. Thanks

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November 21, 2019
Accepted Answer

Hello, @paulmanners

rsync is a great file-copying tool but I believe you would need something else to copy your files to Google Drive. I know that rclone is used to sync between a linux machine and Google Drive. The installation is pretty straight forward. You can check the installation tutorial here:

And the official documentation here: for GDrive:

Hope this helps.

Regards, Alex

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