Home Assistant requires EFI:
Make sure EFI is enabled. If EFI is not enabled, HAOS won’t boot.
Is there a way to use EFI instead of BIOS? Or do we have to use nested VMs to achieve this?
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Enabling EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) on DigitalOcean Droplets can be a bit tricky since, by default, Droplets use BIOS firmware. Unfortunately, DigitalOcean doesn’t provide a straightforward way to switch from BIOS to EFI on their standard Droplets.
Home Assistant OS (HAOS) is designed to boot using UEFI firmware. EFI provides modern boot features that HAOS relies on, and without it, HAOS won’t boot properly.
However, what you could do is to install Home Assistant Container instead using Docker:
Install Docker:
Or use the 1-Click installation: https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/docker
Run Home Assistant Container:
As per the instructions here start your container:
with your actual time zone (e.g.,America/New_York
) and adjust the volume path as needed.Access Home Assistant:
Navigate to
to access the Home Assistant web interface.While DigitalOcean doesn’t natively support enabling EFI on Droplets, using the Docker container method is a viable workaround to get Home Assistant up and running.
Let me know if you need any more help or clarification!
- Bobby
By default Droplets use BIOS firmware and can’t be switched to EFI. All you are left are workarounds such as using Docker to spin up a docker container.