Beginner here, I changed the root password by shutting down the droplet, now I have a new password in my email, but what is the login for my droplet? I used the name of the droplet but it didn’t work, can you help me please?
Also, how do I update the ubuntu version once I log in? It was an older version and I want to update it to 16.04.
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Default username is
. You login by using any SSH client. If you are using Linux or OS Xwill login you to Droplet. If you use Windows, you need Putty. Follow above link for instructions.
DigitalOcean have great tutorial on Upgrading your Ubuntu to 16.04 which will explain you how to do it.
If you get any problem, post here, someone can help you :)
I tried to - but the terminal on OS X says “ssh protocol 1.0 is no longer supported”
Hello, all
When you deploy a droplet you will receive an email with the droplet’s information (hostname, IP address, username and password). If you’re not able to login and you do not remember your password you can easily reset it in order to re-gain access to your droplet.
You can reset your root password your account. Navigate to the control panel. From the project the Droplet is in, or from the main navigation’s Droplets page, locate the Droplet. Click the Droplet’s name to open its detail page, then select Access in the left navigation.
Click Reset Root Password to reset the Droplet’s password. You will receive an email containing the Droplet’s temporary password.
Note: Some operating systems use internally-managed passwords, which means you cannot reset the root password from the control panel. In these cases, you’ll see the following message in the Reset root password section:
Once you have received your new password you can either ssh to the droplet using your ssh client or access the droplet using the DigitalOcean console:
Log In with the Console
From the DigitalOcean Control Panel, first click the name of the Droplet you want to access, then select Access from the left navigation. Click the Launch Console button to open a web-based console session.
When the console opens, click the console screen and press
to ensure that the login prompt has focus. At the login prompt, enter the user you want to log in as. This is typically the root user or a user configured with sudo privileges.When prompted, enter the password associated with the account. For security purposes, your password will not be displayed on the screen as you type or paste it into the command line.
Once you’ve entered the password, press ENTER. If this is the first time you’ve logged in after resetting the root password through the control panel, you are prompted to enter the password again, then asked to choose a new password.
Once you’ve successfully entered your credentials you should be logged in to your Droplet.
Hope that helps! Regards, Alex