I just read about a severe security vulnerability in something called “log4j” from Apache. I have a LAMP droplet and I need to know how to find out if log4j is installed on the droplet? I don’t see a package by that name, but I’m not sure if I’m looking for the right thing.
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Hi all,
In addition to what has already been mentioned, I could suggest taking a look at this answer here:
Best, Bobby
Hello, @JigsawBob
From what I can see Apache log4j 2 is an open-source Java-based logging framework that should not be installed by default on your Apache server, hence you’ve not manually installed/configured it then CVE-2021-44228 should not affect your server.
Regards, Alex
There’s an easy nice opensource tool for log4j specifically
this will work on projects of maven/gradle, it will also do a file system search