
How to resolve "SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing" error in Python

I want to create this question because a lot of people encounter this error when they start a Python project and I believe it will help a lot of people to understand why this error is caused and how to quickly resolve it.

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September 27, 2021
Accepted Answer

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented and structured language and it is very strict on how the code is formatted.

What is unexpected EOF while parsing

Errors like: “syntaxerror: unexpected EOF (or simply End of File) while parsing” can occur in several cases like syntax errors (such as missing/unclosed parenthesis, incomplete functions and parameters). The error itself means that the end of your code was reached before all code blocks were completed/executed. A simple example is the following code block

An unclosed parenthesis:

print(“Hello, World!”

The following code has an unclosed parenthesis and will return the following error - SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing. This can be easily fixed by adding the missing )

print(“Hello, World!”)

Code has been enclosed in a special statement:

The error can also occur in special statements such as for loops if we forgot to add code block in our for loop such as print:

brand = [“Kawasaki”, “Yamaha”, “Honda”, “Suzuki”]
for x in brands:

The code returns the following error - SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing. This can be fixed by adding – print(x)

brand = [“Kawasaki”, “Yamaha”, “Honda”, “Suzuki”]
for x in brands:

Keep in mind that Python is also strict on how the code is indented and you must have the print(x) indented, otherwise you will run into the following error IndentationError: expected an indented block


The SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing is probably one of the first errors that everyone will encounter when getting started with Python. What you need to do is to go through your code and make sure that you do not have any missing code block in your for loops, if statements or unclosed parenthesis.

These errors can be prevented if you use code editors such as Visual Studio Code or PyCharm (and more). The code editors can detect errors in your code and will usually show you where the problem is and you can spend more time on your code rather than troubleshooting annoying errors such as unclosed parenthesis.

I hope that this post has helped you! Best, Alex

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