
Is using Digital Ocean for Machine Learning against its Usage Terms ?

I want to create a high performance droplet to use for Machine Learning. The droplet will probably keep running at 100% CPU for a couple of days. I want to know if this is ok ? I have read that a lot of people were complaining that their accounts got blocked after intense cpu usage. I obviously don’t want that, as I have other important running droplets.

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DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
March 28, 2019
Accepted Answer


As long as you’re using our CPU Optimized droplets, this is completely fine and actually one of the use cases we were thinking of when we deployed them.


Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
January 27, 2024


In addition to what has already been mentioned, DigitalOcean Droplets traditionally do not come with GPU capabilities.

However, DigitalOcean has recently partnered with Paperspace to offer GPU-based virtual machines. Paperspace provides powerful GPU resources suitable for tasks requiring high-end graphics processing. You can explore this new offering for GPU capabilities and find detailed specifications at DigitalOcean’s Paperspace page.

If GPU processing is a critical aspect of your application, this new integration could be an ideal solution.



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